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How to get started
Written by Anna Muni
Updated over a week ago

Artists and Galleries use the Niio Pro Tool to manage, preserve and distribute their artworks privately or to publish them to the Niio curated platform for exposure and sales generation.

Collectors and Museums can loan and/or Buy artworks instantly, and experience the art on their dedicated SmartTV screen in the highest quality possible, using the Niio 4K Pro Art Player combined with the Niio mobile app.

Follow these steps to get started

1. Go to or download the app on Google Play Store or AppStore.

2.Create your Free Pro Account - Artists enjoy a free account with the Niio Manage™ Tool

3. Upload your artworks - Benefit from 1Tb cloud storage to safely preserve your works at the highest quality.

4. Display, showcase, loan or sell your artworks privately, or submit your art to the Niio Curated Marketplace. Earn revenue shares through subscriptions, sales, or loans of your artworks.

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