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How to Expose and Monetize your Artwork?
How to Expose and Monetize your Artwork?
Xuf Mils avatar
Written by Xuf Mils
Updated over a year ago

Use Niio to increase exposure and monetization of your artwork.

Preserve and distribute your artworks privately via transfer for share, rent or sale.

Publish your catalogs publicly for loan or sale, participate in Curated Marketplace Programs and display your art at exhibition-grade 4K quality.

Through the Niio Curated marketplace publicly share limited-edition works for purchase or rental. Create a Catalog and add artworks with their commercial rules for selling, renting or inquiry. In addition, if your artwork is used in a commercial location, you will receive royalties.

* Please note: Once the period of use is over, your art will automatically, safely and securely be removed from the client’s account and players.

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