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How to transfer my collection
Written by Anna Muni
Updated over a week ago
  1. Log into your account

  2. In My Area, select the artwork you would like to Transfer

  3. On the lower right side, click Transfer Artwork

  4. Select one of the following options

  • Private Share: This action allows you to privately share your artwork with another user or entity. You can revoke this action at any time.

  • Loan (no fee): Privately loan your artwork (No transaction fee for the recipient). You can also define loan time period and additional meta-data as appears on the Transfer Artwork form.

  • Loan: Privately loan your artwork. You can define a transaction fee that will be paid by the recipient in order to access the loan. You can also define loan time period and additional meta-data as appears on the Transfer Artwork form.

  • Consign: This action allows access to your artwork from the recipient's account, grants the recipient with the rights to sell your artwork editions on your behalf, and also the right to edit some of the artwork metadata. You will still be able to continue editing your artwork metadata and to sell it. This action is revokable from your artwork "MANAGE" button.

  • Send Preview: Privately share a link to your artwork preview. The recipient can only access a web page link with a watermarked version of the artwork.

How does it Work?

  1. Upon sending an Art Transfer, Niio generates a unique link to a private web page from which the recipient can preview a watermarked version of your artwork and choose to accept it.

Once your transfer is accepted by the user:

  • An edition of your artwork is added to the recipient's Vault and can be viewed in perfect quality, with no watermark, using the Secure Niio Art Player.

  • The recipient cannot transfer your artwork to another user.

** Note: Everything that is uploaded onto Niio is first and foremost uploaded completely privately. It is then up to the Artist, Collector, and Galleries discretion which Artworks are shared publicly.

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