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How to upload artworks?
Written by Anna Muni
Updated over a week ago

1. Log onto your Niio account at by filling in your email and password and clicking Login.

2. The first screen that will appear is your personal area. Here you can manage your artworks, your collections, and your artist profile.

3. To add new artworks to your portfolio, click Upload. Select your file from either your computer storage or your cloud.

4. While the artwork is uploading, you can add the artwork’s information. Click on Edit under the uploading artwork.

5. Next, add in the title, creation year, media category, genre & classification, keywords, and description. Set the editions, prices, and any necessary files. At the bottom click Save.

6. Once your artwork is ready, click on the image. Here you can transfer, share and preview it anytime on your web browser or a dedicated display.

7. While uploading artworks be sure to include the following information. (Note: if you haven't uploaded the artwork yet, please follow this article on How to Upload Artworks)

  • Full artist name

  • Your profile photo (PNG, square format).

  • Artist Bio

  • Artwork Descriptions

  • Define the artworks you wish to feature as visible on your Portfolio

  • Arrange your artworks into channels for publishing

  • Updated artwork Terms, Editions and Pricing (You can also choose to set the artwork for preview only. The artwork editions and pricing does not affect the video Artcast program participation but it is visible on your member area.)

  • Transfer your channel to

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